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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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The 90% Less Work Way to Create Killer Sales Content 

What if you could generate high-converting, hyper-personalized sales assets in a fraction of the time – without sacrificing an ounce of quality? This stupidly simple system lets you create content that closes deals faster, all while cutting your revision time by 90%. 

Introducing prompt-powered iterative honing: the sales leader’s secret weapon for rapidly refining content at scale. Here’s how it works:

Before: The Old Way of Revising Content

We’ve all been there. You poured your heart into a new sales deck, ebook, or email campaign, only to spend the next week stuck in revision hell. Tweak this line, re-work this section, punch up this CTA. Round and round you go, begging for feedback, until finally – exhausted and behind deadline – you cross your fingers and ship it. 

That was us at Concept. Our core pitch deck was a Frankenstein mess of marketing jargon, product minutiae, and stale case studies. Reps hated it. Prospects tuned out. But overhauling it seemed impossible given all our other priorities. Sound familiar?  

After: The Prompt-Powered Approach

Then we discovered prompt engineering for iterative content honing. The concept is dead simple, but insanely effective:

Instead of manually making piecemeal revisions, you craft a detailed prompt instructing an AI like ChatGPT to critique and optimize your draft in a multi-round editing blitz. 

For our sales deck, here’s the exact prompt we used:

“Please review the attached sales presentation from the perspective of a busy IT Director being pitched yet another cybersecurity solution. Provide a detailed critique focusing on 1) clarity of the value prop 2) relevance of the messaging to their priorities 3) persuasiveness of the case studies and social proof. Then, acting as a veteran enterprise sales expert specializing in cybersecurity, implement the suggested revisions. Repeat this critique-implement cycle 4 times, ruthlessly honing the deck each round to be as concise, hard-hitting, and irresistible to IT leaders as possible. Your diligence is deeply appreciated and will help our reps win more deals!”

The results blew us away:

– Time to overhaul the deck plummeted from 2 weeks to under 3 hours

– Message retention among prospects shot up 33% 

– Rep confidence and usage soared, with 95% adoption within a week

– Pipeline velocity increased 15% the following quarter

All from one concentrated burst of AI-powered honing. The kicker – it’s not just decks. We’ve used this exact same approach to quickly level up everything from battle cards to prospecting scripts to pricing pages.

Your 3-Step Action Plan

Ready to unleash the power of prompt-honed content on your sales org? Follow these 3 simple steps:

1. Pick your highest-impact content to optimize – What sales assets would drive the biggest wins if they were turbocharged?

2. Craft your honing prompt – Use the template above, fine-tuned for your specific audience, goals, and content type. Not sure where to start? Grab our GPT at Concept Content Creator and Iterator Assistant.  

3. Run your content through 4 rounds of critique and revision – Watch as your drafts transform before your eyes into lean, mean, deal-closing machines

That’s it. No more endless revisions. No more “good enough” content. Just killer assets that reps love and prospects can’t resist, all in a fraction of the time. 

If you’re ready to join the ranks of sales orgs slashing revision time while sending revenue soaring, give prompt engineering a shot. Your team (and your quotas) will thank you.

Happy honing!

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